To Our Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) family in Christ,

As we enter the season of Advent, there are those among us who continue to celebrate the recent election and others among us who continue to experience deep concern. We Presbyterians are a politically diverse denomination and we have our differences. But we come together in these days remembering that we worship a God who knows what it’s like to be betrayed and unjustly accused.

Please know that, as your Co-Moderators, we are praying for you and we are asking you to – ultimately – use whatever you are feeling after this election for good. We are a denomination that has long supported the leadership of women, immigrants, the disabled, and our interfaith partners. We are committed to working against racism. We adhere to Jesus’ commandments to care for the marginalized and broken.  

This is our time to rally for the sake of the Gospel. What we mean is that – whatever your political allegiances – we are asking you to reaffirm your allegiance to the message of Jesus Christ who commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to care for “the least of these.”  Our neighbors include refugees, undocumented workers, and the poor. Our neighbors include LGBTQ friends. Our neighbors include the unemployed and the underemployed. Our neighbors include victims of torture and brutality.  

This is a holy opportunity to be the people we were created to be. Some of us need more time to grieve and some are ready now to step up and make an impact for good. And all of us are called to live in a way that brings honor to our Creator. We pray that – as we prepare for the coming of the Prince of Peace –  we would be agents of peace in the likeness of Jesus.

Yours in Christ’s Service,
CoModerator Signatures