Forms and Resources
Synod Representation Report
Each synod COR reports annually on the degree of diverse representation within its area of operation using this portal. If a synod does not have a COR, it is asked to report on how it has addressed the functions outlined in G-3.0103. The data for the previous year (January 1 – December 31) will be collected and reported by October 30 of each year.
A sample worksheet is provided for your preparation purposes only and may not include all the questions as the portal presents them. It is not a replacement for the report.
GACOR uses selected information from COR reports in its own report to the General Assembly.
Below is a list of GACOR resources. If you need additional information, please contact the Manager for Equity and Representation, Molly Casteel.
Current Book of Order (2017-2019) references:
The COR Logo and promotional materials are for use by other councils’ committees on representation by request. Please contact the Manager for Equity and Representation.