General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations
General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations
Upcoming Meetings
The Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations shall function to give a high profile to the vision of the ecumenical and interreligious involvement and work as central to the gospel and key to the life of the church; plan and coordinate, in consultation with the agencies and governing bodies of the church, the involvement of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in ecumenical and interreligious relations and work; connect the ecumenical and interreligious efforts of all governing body levels of the church; provide a common point for all ecumenical and interreligious efforts connecting us with those outside our church; keep a unity of vision that includes the ecclesiastical, programmatic, ecumenical, and denominational (organizational) parts of our ministries and commitments; articulate the Reformed and Presbyterian identity in the midst of our ecumenical commitments; and promote awareness of the role of the unity of all humankind in the search for the unity of the church; and promote the unity of the church as an exhibition of the kingdom to the world.
The General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations (GACEIR) has posted “Denouncing Antisemitism and Islamophobia” a study document approved by the General Assembly in 2022.
The occasion marks the next step in a multi-year journey that began in 2018. Moved beyond tears and inspired to action, GACEIR engaged in crafting this document after the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue, in Pittsburgh. Two General Assemblies later, the document has been approved, redesigned, and is ready to be shared with synods, presbyteries, mid councils, congregations.
As this is a living document, the next phase begins in June. Over the summer, feedback will be gathered from anyone engaging with the document: mid-council working groups, congregational leaders, networks, study groups, that will enhance this study document. Evaluation and analysis of the advice of mid-council groups will be ongoing, with those results leading toward a presentation at the World Parliament of Religions gathering in Chicago, August of 2023.
As you explore this study document, we want to ensure we are in fact heading in the right direction. We invite you to offer your feedback by completing this survey
More information about the work of GACEIR and the study document “Denouncing Antisemitism and Islamophobia” can be found here.
"The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) long has advocated positive relationships with people of other religious traditions. We have seen these relationships as a specific instance of Christ’s universal command to “... love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” and to “love your neighbor as yourself ” (Mt. 22:37, 39)."is statement a!rms that tradition. "The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) often has fostered a love for people of other religious traditions, but many times we have not."The First is cause for celebration, thanking God for the grace to be faithful. For the second, the church resolves to do better. Read the Stance.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its antecedent churches have been at the forefront of local, regional, national, and global ecumenism for more than a century. Presbyterians have been ready to reflect on, pray for, and organize ecumenical initiatives in the life of the worldwide body of Christ and respond to the initiatives of others. From discussions of organic union to the formation of councils of churches, from common efforts in evangelism and mission to upholding concerns for justice and social service, Presbyterians have been deeply involved in the ecumenical work and witness of the church. The Presbyterian church has put considerable material, spiritual, and personnel resources into the ecumenical movement, working to “listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches” and respond in creative ways to our ecumenical calling. Read the Ecumenical Stance in its entirety.
- Committee Membership (pdf)
Together with Christians in every time and place, Presbyterians confess belief in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. The Nicene Creed’s marks of the church are not accomplishments of human performance or objects of human striving, as if the church depends on our efforts. The unity of the church is a gift of its Lord. The source and the shape of the gift are proclaimed in Scripture: “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:4-6).
Approved by the 212th General Assembly (2000) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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