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Preparation for Ministry

Forms for advancing to Candidacy


The forms on this page are used by Inquirers and their committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry when a decision has been made to recommend the Inquirer be advanced by the presbytery to candidate status.

You may access the PDF version of each form simply by clicking on the specific form designation. Once you begin completing a form, you should use “Save as …” to create a new file (e.g., “NameForm5A.pdf”).

Form 5A       “Application to be enrolled by Presbytery as a Candidate”
To be completed initially by the Inquirer seeking to be advanced to candidacy. The recommendations of the session and the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry along with the action taken by the presbytery are recorded on this form.


Form 5B       “Session recommendation for Enrollment as Candidate”
This form is completed by the inquirer’s session and forwarded to the presbytery’s committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry. Questions that may guide the session’s discussion with the inquirer and provide support for its recommendation to the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry may be found in the "Advisory Handbook" on pages 39 - 41. Attach a letter explaining rationale for the sessions action in light of inquirer’s suitability.


Form 5C      “Report of Consultation to become a Candidate
A signed acknowledgement of the new covenant relationship entered into by the candidate and the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry. This form also establishes growth areas for candidate. The completed report is sent to the inquirer/candidate, theological institution, and sponsoring session.


Form 5D       “Covenant Agreement and Candidate Release
A signed acknowledgement of the new covenant relationship entered into by the candidate, the session and the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry. The candidate release sets in motion an understanding that permits the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry to secure information necessary to make responsible decisions and recommendations.
