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General Assembly Nominating Committee

General Information and FAQ on the GA Nominations Process


The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is committed to the full participation and representation of the rich diversity of the church in its governance.

The General Assembly nominations process ensures that nominations and appointments are made in conformity with this commitment, ensuring that the nomination process is open and accessible to the broad membership of the church. It also ensures the competence, skills, diversity, and regional representation needed on the General Assembly entities.

General Information

The General Assembly Nominating Committee nominates persons to the ongoing boards, commission, and committees for election by the General Assembly.  The GA Nominating Committee is a sixteen-member committee composed of persons from each of the synods.  Members of the GANC are elected by the General Assembly upon the nomination of the Moderator of the previous General Assembly. 

As part of the nominations process, members of the GA Nominating Committee engage in prayerful personal and communal discernment.  The GA Nominating Committee proposes to each General Assembly the results of its discernment – nomination of persons who, in its judgment, are called by God for particular service at a particular time in the life of the church.

The GA Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating persons to serve on approximately thirty boards, councils, commissions, and committees.  Many of these positions require specialized interest and technical and professional skills in areas such as finance, law, education, publishing, investments, marketing, human resources, and fund raising.  Others need persons with a love for polity, with General Assembly commissioner experience, a broad understanding of the church, interpersonal, listening, and communication skills, persons with intercultural and cross-cultural awareness and commitments, and people with a heart for mission.  Please consider the possibility that God may be calling you to share your gifts, experience, skills, and passion for the church!

FAQ on the General Assembly Nominations Process

Q:        What types of nominations are there?  
A:         The General Assembly Nominating Committee (GANC) makes three types of nominations: at-large; presbytery or synod proposed; and ecumenical or non-Presbyterians. The majority of positions are at-large positions where any church member, deacon, ruling elder, or teaching elder/minister can apply and be considered for service. Others are mid council seats nominated only from names proposed by their presbytery or synod.

Q:        How does an applicant get into the at-large pool?
A:         In order to be considered for nomination a person must file an application form; any Presbyterian can apply. Information can be found online at Take time to read carefully the description, skills needed, and time commitment listed for the entities for which you wish to be considered. When you are ready to apply you can access the online nomination form at

Q:        Can someone else file an application form on my behalf? 
A:         No, the person wishing to be considered for nomination by the GA Nominating Committee must complete an application form. The members of the GA Nominating Committee will need your considered responses to specific questions that are on the application form.

Q:        Does the presbytery or someone else have to endorse me for an at-large position?
A:         No, applicants for at-large positions do not need the backing of someone else in order to apply. Self-endorsement is encouraged. We will, however, need three personal references and a reference from your council of membership – your pastor or clerk of session if you are a church member, deacon, or ruling elder; or from your presbytery stated clerk or leader if you are a teaching elder. The manager for GA Nominations will contact those you’ve listed as references as well as the appropriate person from your council of membership with a request that they complete a reference form.

Q:        Can I serve on more than one GA level board, commission, or committee at a time?
A:         No, generally speaking members can serve at-large on only one board, commission, or committee at a time unless they are representing an entity on another entity or have dual membership role on two entities.

Q:        Who nominates the members of the General Assembly Nominating Committee?
A:         The Moderator of the previous General Assembly nominates new members of the GA Nominating for election by the commissioners at each General Assembly.  Unless otherwise designated, the GA Moderator also appoints members to special committees, commissions, and task forces that the General Assembly authorizes.

Q:        How serious is the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) about diversity and inclusion on GA level entities?
A:         Very serious!  The Book of Order guarantees “full participation and representation in its worship, governance, and emerging life to all persons or groups within its membership . . . regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, geography, or theological conviction.”  All members of the PCUSA have access to be considered for membership on GA level entities by completing an application form. The General Assembly Nominating Committee considers each application form submitted through the online nomination portal.

Q:        Is there a deadline for application materials?
A:         Yes, the application for nomination form is due on Monday, January 8, 2024. Personal references must be returned to the GA Nominations office no later than Monday, January 22, 2024.

Q:        What do I do if I need more information or have questions?
A:         You can find additional information about the nominations process on the nominations website or you can be in touch with the valerie izumi, Assistant Stated Clerk, manager for GA Nominations. Take time, too, to look at the website for the entity for which you wish to be considered.

Thank you for your interest in being considered for elected service at the General Assembly level!