Mid Council Relations Newsletter Archive

Senior ordination exams

For Congregations

Standard Ordination Exams

Registration for Ordination Exams

Exams schedule

Support For Educator Certification Advisors

Educator Certification Courses

Special Committee to Write a New Confession

Special Committee on the PC(USA) and Race

For Christian Educators

Statements & Letters

GAPJC Members and Electoral Process

Advisory Handbook on Preparing for Ministry in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Task Force to Explore Theology and Practice of Ordination

Bible Content Exam

CLC for Mid Council Leaders

CLC for Calling Organizations/Churches

CLC for Call Seekers

CLC Webinars

Presbyteries Cooperative Committee on Exams

COR Toolbox

Additional Ruling Elder Resources

Church Conflict and Negotiation

Who's Serving?

Ways to Use Regarding Ruling Elders

Year of Leader Formation - Hymn


Definition of Ruling Elder

Helpful Resources

Forms for advancing to Candidacy

Forms reporting actions to others

Forms used in the Preparation for Ministry process

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Preparation for Ministry Committees/Commissions

Polity Resources

Leader Formation - Webinars

Resources for Leader Formation

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Ruling Elder Workshops

Family Care Plan

History and Responsibilities

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The Revised "On Calling a Pastor"

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Ruling Elder Books

Forms for annual consultations

Educator Certification - Frequently Asked Questions


General Information and FAQ on the GA Nominations Process

Ruling Elder Training

Stated Clerk Nomination Committee - Members

Funding Model Development Team

Special Committee on Standing Rules

Church Leadership Connection - Task Policy Form

Commission on the Unification of the Office of the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Understanding the CLC Competency Survey

Why Interreligious

Along the Road


Membership and Staff

Entity List and Descriptions


Per Capita Sunday

How Can I Apply?

Interim/Transitional Ministry

Frequently Asked Questions

Meeting Schedules

Advocacy and Accompaniment

COGA Workgroups for GA225 Planning

Orderly Exchange with Formula Partner Churches

Permanent Judicial Commission Decisions

Family Detention and Family Separation

Refugees and Asylees

Moderators' Conference 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Amicus Curiae Briefs

Online trainings

Ecumenical Newsletter Archives

Polity Resources

가족 구금 및 가족 분리

Detención y separación familiar

Statistical Reporting and Frequently Asked Questions

Eugene Carson Blake Scholarship to the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey

COGA Meeting Archives

Ministry Committees/Commissions

Mid Councils Newsletter Back Issues

Face to Face Registration

Video Collection

Task Force for Safe and Sacred Space

성소 Sanctuary

Commissioned Ruling Elders Education

CRE Assessment

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APCE 2018 Migration Simulation

Examining candidates and ministers

Ecumenical News - December 2017

Educator Certification Handbook

온라인 교역자 디렉토리 On-Line Minister Directory

Directorio de ministros(as) en línea

Data Requests


Rules of Discipline Task Force


Volunteer Opportunities

All Agency Review

Way Forward Commission

Hands and Feet

GA Moderator Travel Map

Community Engagement


Presbyterians For Just Immigration Signup

Association of Mid Council Leaders Annual Meeting

Video Streaming

Guidebook Event App

General Assembly News

Exhibit Resources for OGA

Membership and Staff

GA Participants

Travel, Accommodations, and Parking

General Information

Moderator Candidate Central

Advocacy for Syrian Refugees - Presbytery Resolutions

Ecumenical News, December 4, 2015

Exhibiting at the General Assembly

Stated Clerk Nominating Committee Español

Stated Clerk Nominating Committee 한국어

Ecumenical News, September 2, 2015

The Ecumenical News

Ecumenical News, June 3, 2015

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Ecumenical News, March 30, 2015

Each New Day

Ecumenical News, January 29, 2015

Peace discernment

Convener of the Seventh-day/Reformed Dialogue Reflects on the importance of the dialogue process

Ecumenical Relations Newsletter

Subscribe to the Mid Councils Newsletter

Engaging Belhar

Christ ‘has given us the ministry of reconciliation’

GA221 Reconciliation

Biblical and Theological Rationales on Marriage

A message from the Stated Clerk, Grady Parsons

Subscription Confirmation

Ruling Elder Network

GA221 on Marriage

Ecumenical Relations Staff


GA221 on Israel-Palestine



Video Streaming

PC-biz Korean

Mobile Applications

Frequently Asked Questions About the Confession of Belhar

Finances for ministers

Models of ministry

PC-biz Spanish

Ministers of other denominations

Get Involved

Worship Resources

Ecumenical Partners

Why Ecumenism

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Commissioners and Advisory Delegate Homepage



How to Register

Travel, Accommodations and Parking

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Planning a meeting, meal, reception, etc.

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Special Committees

On-Line Minister Directory


Study guides and papers by Assembly year

Workers and Employers


Human Trafficking

Policy on Immigration

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution 2012

Video Streaming

Telling our stories: young adults sensing God’s movement

GA220 Podcasts

GA220 Videos

GA220 Advice Videos

GA220 Orientation Resources

GA220 Webinars

Open Meeting Policy

General Information for Commissioners/Advisory Delegates

Seal and logo license permission

Get the seal



General Assembly Accommodations

Frequently Asked Questions

General Advice for Commissioners and Advisory Delegates

The Seal of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)


Job Description and Application Requirements

Forms and Resources

Sampling of presbytery processes of examining candidates and ministers

Reflection on the new Foundations of Presbyterian Polity

Form of Government

2024 Meeting Papers

Greetings from the Stated Clerk

Assigned Responsibilities

Special Committee on Existing Authoritative Interpretations of the Book of Order

Sexual Misconduct

Handbook for Judicial Process

Constitutional Musings

The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Authoritative Interpretations

Advisory Opinions

Conscientious Objection

Per Capita Resource Materials

Per Capita Funding - What it Supports

Goals for New Pastor Seminars

Annotated outline of Here I Am, Lord, Now What?

Strengthening pastoral leadership in first-call churches





About Us

Legal Services

PCCEC for Candidates Task Force on Ordination Exams

Get help for coaching, consultation and spiritual direction

Thank you

Request for information packet

Christian Vocation Sunday

Thank you

Just compensation

Sample forms for customization by CPMs

Forms for enrolling an Inquirer

Application forms

Seattle Presbytery's focus on immigrant populations

Thank you

Open Book Bible Exegesis examination has new structure effective August 2010

Certified Educators: update contact information

Seminary / theological institutions

Preparation process

Qualities for professional ministry


Tentmaking or bi-vocational ministers

Cooperative ministries, cooperative parishes

Rationale for sabbatical leave

Healthy ministries: the goal of Committee on Ministry Work

A two-way street

Online ministry studies

Professional organizations for ministers

Supporting church professionals

The 2011-2013 Advisory Handbook for Ministry Committees/Commissions

Ministry development and support

First call pastors

What is Christian Vocation?

Called by Our Baptism

Support and advocacy